Alert: New WhatsApp Malware Identified

  • Ethan Smith
  • 12 Apr 2021

If you use WhatsApp, but also search for free entrainment on Google Play, your private info might be compromised

Check Point Research has identified a new threat that WhatsApp is not immune to. As they report, the destructive worm-like malware can infiltrate the messenger and “respond” on your behalf to people you chat with.

Here’s a brief list of damages it can do:

  • Infect other devices: either yours or those of people you’re in contact with.
  • Steal sensitive data: credentials, phone numbers, credit card info, etc.
  • Spam your chats with harmful code-related messages.

The rest of the threats are yet to be identified. 

Surprisingly, the source of this malware originated on Google Play. there’s an app dubbed Flix Online, which presents itself as the “best alternative to Netflix”. It promises to deliver the same shows/movies, only “free of charge” and “anywhere in the world”.

It’s not the first instance of malware sneaking into Google Play: there also were Alien Bot and MRAT spyware infecting numerous apps. 

To avoid a possible threat, you can install one of the free antiviruses: AVG, McAfee, BullGuard, etc. Also, avoid fishy apps that promise too much and never charging money.  

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